Two boys from a small village near Lubaczów take their first steps as the smugglera. Ukrainian cigarettes “Prima”, vodka “Chlibnyj Dar”, candies, halva and ketchup are transported across the Ukrainian border in the trunk of a navy blue passat. Sensej, a local business shark, tries to take his charges to the next level. A mysterious parcel to Ed from Przemyśl is at stake … Smugglers are not only a thriller about a provincial mafia, but also a picture of a Podkarpacie province – anarchic and reluctant to strangers.
Konrad Janczura earned money as a copywriter, journalist, literary critic and smuggler, currently working in a corporation. A resident of Bucharest, Kraków and Lubaczów. Works as a programmist, lives in Warsaw. “The Smugglers” is his prose debut.
Konrad Janczura’s “Smugglers” is a book about Podkarpacie, which has never been there before. Because who knows if there was such a Podkarpacie region before. The ancient frontier has turned into a border beyond which demons live. Which are easy to scare and easy to throw off what you have behind your ears. Janczura writes clearly, simply and strongly. And convincingly. It reads quickly, they had – longer. — Ziemowit Szczerek
On fifth page I want to puke and howl at the same time that I hate Poland and don’t want to live here. If that was the result, it worked. — Kaja Puto
Rights sold to Ukraine
160 pages
First published in 2017
Genre: Fiction
Language: Polish
Rights: Worldwide